julian A anderson
Now we are sixty... ish
The internet is a wonderful thing?
The internet is a wonderful thing.
It has all kind of knowledge,
to make your heart sing.
And if ever you’re stuck,
for a bit of advice.
Just post a question.
Now, isn’t that nice?
Log into a forum for a quick chat.
There are millions of people
just waiting to help.
But those seeking answers
had better beware.
It’s a notorious trap,
you are warned to take care.
Compose your question, consider the facts.
Then wait for a while,
for them to post back.
The sciolist and pedant,
and inerudite man,
will try to ensnare you.
Whenever they can.
“I don’t really know, but here is my guess.”
“You got it all wrong,
that’s why it’s a mess.”
“Here is a link,
to my solution.”
With dread, you start reading
their wordy pollution.
“You have asked the wrong question,
and used the wrong thread.”
“Here is a link. Try this one instead.”
“If that does not work.
All I can suggest.
You are a bit of a berk.
I know what’s best.”
“I don’t understand what you trying to say”
“Please Cap EVERY WORD.”
“It’s better that way”
“I can’t answer your question.”
“You must be a clot”
“You kep nding your sontence,
with a ittle black dot.”
You read all the answers, with furrowing brow.
They make little sense,
but you assume they must know.
You post back a query,
backed by a fact.
Which they completely ignore
and call you a pratt.
The internet is a wonderful thing.
It has all kind of knowledge
to make your heart sing.
And if ever you’re stuck,
here’s my advice.
Just open a book.
Now, isn’t that nice?