julian A anderson
Now we are sixty...ish
Last year, I found myself facing a major life milestone. I reached sixty. As I like to think of myself as a writer, my thoughts turned to marking this once-in-a-life event with some creative words.
One of my favourite childhood books is called Now we are six by A.A. Milne, which I read when I was…you guessed.
Why not, I continued to think, write a selection of poems and call it Now we are sixty? That is a catchy title. So catchy in fact, that Christopher Matthew thought of it a very long time ago.
Never mind, it was indeed a long time ago and I am sure the world is ready for some more thoughts.
Therefore, with due deference to A.A. Milne and Christopher Matthew and dedicated to all the other crusties, who like me, have become utterly perplexed with the modern world; may I present. Now we are sixty...and a bit.
If you enjoy these, please let me know and if not, there will still be more.
In homage to AA Milne
They’re changing the guard at my location station.
She’s being replaced by automation.
It’s programmed to shout in just the same way,
to speed us passengers all on our way.
To the wrong station.
They’re changing the trains at my local station.
They’re being upgraded across the nation.
By ripping out seats to create enough space.
They’ll pack us all in, armpit to face.
Like sardines.
They’re changing the train times at my local station.
To improve we are told, consumer relations.
No longer will we be forced to wait,
for a train they know is bound to be late.
They're not coming.
They're changing the station at my local station.
It’s being removed to another location.
They won’t say where, it’s a secret you see.
All to do with efficiency.
Says Alice.